Feb 01, 2016 - 0 Comments - Uncategorized -


I enjoy reading so I thought I’d share some book tips. Since moving to New York 16 years ago I’ve read American noir from the 40’s & 50’s (particularly Raymond Chandler, Charles Willeford and Jim Thompson) more than anything else. Some favorites include Willeford’s “Pick-Up” and Thompson’s “Pop. 1280”, brutal stuff that resonates today. I’ve also gone through artist’s biographies, history books of various kinds etc. and have developed a respect for older Swedish literature; August Strindberg (“Inferno” for instance) and Hjalmar Söderberg’s “Doktor Glas”. That language is so articulate and beautiful, nobody speaks like that anymore. As a way of keeping track of my reading, rather than keeping a physical journal I use a public one, so I’ve listed and written notes about many books I’ve read on Goodreads. Here is my page if you are interested: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1380499-anders

Currently I’m into Laszlo Krasznahorkai.